Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Friday, September 2, 2011

UPS & My Massive Headache

So, I know I've been mostly silent these past few weeks, and the tales of those adventures will follow, soon. I promise. However, I have something of a rant/cautionary tale to offer to those ears willing to listen.

I finally crumbled and put the money into purchasing a Kindle. Not just any Kindle, but a Free Wifi+3G with Special Offers. So, all in all, considering the $150 cost, plus shipping, it's a valuable deal. Amazon thanks me for my business, and sends it via UPS.

Understandably, I'm extremely excited. I want to see this happen. I want this Kindle so badly I can taste it. So naturally, I'm watching the tracking information like a bloody hawk. Imagine my surprise when this little doll pops up: