Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cherry Raspberry Ale & Alan Wake

I've pretty much gotten everything opened up that needs to be opened, and packed away what needs to be packed. It's still ridiculous how humid everything is, and I think I'm getting an earache from it, which is kind of weird. In any case, it's Monday, the official beginning of the week, and I've got a plan!

Tony mentioned a while ago that his boss had purchased the open storefront next to his restaurant with the intention of opening a gaming store. Not so much a Source or Now and Then, more similar to a Gamestop. But, John is going to be in a meeting today about his recent acquisition (i.e., he just bought the franchise rights to the aforementioned restaurant, D.P. Dough), so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to talk to him about it. I know he wasn't planning on opening it until September or something, but jeesh, he's gotta need help setting it up and cleaning and whatnot, right? And I have some experience with gaming retail, but not much. I've been working some form of retail for years, so that has to count for something, right? 

I'm not dropping all my eggs in one basket, however. I've taken a glance (just a glance, mind you) at the local public transportation, and I'm trying to figure out how exactly to change my resumé, to update it. Or if I even need to (which is a stupid question, of course I need to, I don't exactly plan on commuting from Minnesota, now do I?)

That's the summary of today so far, let's backtrack to the last couple of days, which I so obviously missed.

To kind of help me settle in, Tony has been playing an episode a night of a game called Alan Wake. The gist of the game is thus: A writer and his wife (who has an irrational fear of darkness) escape to a small town in Oregon/Upper Northwest to relax and spend time together, he discovers that it's a ploy to get him writing again, he gets frustrated and storms out. Something happens and the lights go out in the cabin, his wife screams, and when he tries to get to her, she's gone. QUEUE THE STORY! 

It's quite convoluted, and there are a handful of twists. What I was impressed with was the playstyle, especially since you're essentially taking control of an author, he can't sprint very fast for very long, he doesn't have any melee abilities besides the oh-shit-dodge and the ho-shit-slow-motion-dodge! His defenses rely on a flashlight, flares, flashbangs--lots of F's--and various ranged weapons like shotguns, revolvers, and a hunting rifle. 

Anyway! We just finished the fifth episode last night, and tonight will be the last one. Then we have to figure out a new game to play.

Friday night was Troy Night Out, the last Friday of the month where various businesses advertise in this event map that's passed out around town, and some have special events. When my mom was still in town, we ate at Dinosaur BBQ (which is kind of a unique version of...well, a BBQ house, there really is no comparison), and I got a local microbrew called Cherry Raspberry Ale. Well, on Friday night, Tony and I found the microbrewery where it came from, in Troy, called Brown Brewery. It was delish! I didn't really try the food because I'd had a late lunch, but the cheese stick I munched on was rather good!

After that, we wandered, hit up the local gaming store (called Foam Brain, after a literal foam brain), wandered a little more, found a bar/dance club named Daisy Baker's where they were playing all 80s music. I felt weird! Everyone looked like they were either 40 or 20, so I was on the low end of a rather huge expanse! Tony had to shove me onto the dance floor, and even then, I just kinda did the white-girl shuffle. Then they played Lady Gaga, and I was all over that like a monkey on peanut butter (did that metaphor work?). It was a fun time, but I got burnt out pretty quickly, so we headed back, played Alan Wake, and crashed.

Not much else to say that is of note, really, I'm sure I'll think of something later, though.

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