Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wishnot & Do Want

So, I've admittedly been slacking the last few days while I have been going on such adventures!

I believe it was...Wednesday, and Margaret had the day off, so she took me around town, to get me a little more comfortable with the area. We bummed around the Colonie Center mall, which was awesome. We found the MAC cosmetics at Macy's, which turned out to be a treat. The salesperson recommended a fun, glam shade for Margaret, and Lady Gaga's nude color for me, who'da thunk that would have happened? We didn't buy right away though, it's one of those things I'll have to wait for.

After that, we stopped at the pet store. Why? Why not?

There was a little orange tabby kitten in a black cage, underneath a sign that said "Buy $50 worth of supplies and take me home for free!" Most likely because the kitten couldn't have been more than 8 weeks old, and hadn't had most of its shots yet. After holding the adorable little puffball, and talking to the store clerk, she informed us that they weren't allowed to give the pets even temporary names, for fear of emotional connection. Which apparently didn't work for her, because she'd cried when the orange puffball's brother had been given away earlier in the day.

Nice policy, pet store. It'd be more helpful if it worked.

Anyway, Margaret and I decided, after reluctantly putting the kitten back, that were going to name him. And name him, we did! His name is now Wishnot, because everyone wishes they could take him home, but none would. We came back a couple of days later and found that Wishnot had been taken home! It was a bittersweet moment, because the only pets available to huggle were puppies.

And as cute as puppies are, I am reminded that they grow into dogs.


After wandering a little more, we eventually wasted enough time. Then, from the mall, to judo we went!

Judo was interesting, and I had a good time. When I can afford the gee and the monthly tuition, I'm very much hoping to join for realsies. What they showed that day was the large and small outer reap: osoto-gari and kosoto-gari. Margaret also worked me through the grip--pinky and ring fingers for grip, middle and pointer fingers for guide and control--how to fall (which is something I definately need to work on), and a few other things. After a bit of practice, the sensei actually called both of us up to demonstrate, after the rest of the students, of course, and he wanted me to actually throw Margaret.

I was a little nervous about that, but I did, and I kept a tight hold on her gee. Apparently this was a good thing, or the right thing to do, because I guess the other sensei commented to Margaret later that I had 'good focus and the potential to do very well.' This gave me the warm and fuzzies, and I'm not so cynical about life to just think she said that because the school wants money.

If there's one thing I've learned about this community, and the people around the area, they're very open and pretty friendly. I haven't really felt threatened at all by any of the people around here, except maybe when the patrons of Dublin's decide to have a little slap-and-fist fight in the street. We're less than two blocks from the cop shop, people, show some restraint! Jeez.

The job search continues, I've found a Gamestop in Troy that is hiring, but they're a little over two miles from the apartment, so I'd either need a ride, or figure out a better mode of transportation. But, it's a job, and probably a better bet than waiting for John Keyes' gaming store to open up a couple of blocks away. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing if I'd be guaranteed to get in on that, so I can't put my eggs in that basket.

So that's where I sit right now.

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