Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Air Conditioners & Max Payne

So Tony and I have continued our tradition of his playing video games and my watching him. This time around, it was Max Payne 2 (we skipped the first one). It was pretty good, but I'm gonna interrupt this video game review to let you know that this air conditioner makes me very, very happy. Thank God for A/C units. I'm relatively sure that my internal temperature would have reached somewhere in the unhealthy region soon.

82 degrees inside is ridiculous, I don't care who you are. And Texans? You're just nuts. I would rather live inside a walk-in freezer than attempt to live in Texas without an A/C unit.

I'll be back in MN early August, a single night on the way out there, then a few nights on the way back. I'm hoping to spend some quality time with my boyfriend, like I need to, then head out to Virginia with the MR Crew for MR*Con 2011, Camping Edition. White-water rafting? Yes! Camping? Yes! Teambuilding exercises? Maybe.

We'll see where we end up at the end of everything, but I'm relatively sure that it'll be a fantastic trip, as always. The plan right now is to fly from MSP to Kansas City, meet up with Mande, Thad and Xary, road-trip out to Virginia (again, for those who are familiar with my road tripping experience), and then, when all is said and done, take a short plane jaunt back to Albany. Shouldn't run me too ragged, especially with the check from FL Ag in the Classroom, Inc. coming in pretty soon.

The job hunt continues, I've got applications spread around the area like a new dog marking its territory. I don't mind the people here, like I've said before, I'm surprised how friendly the community really is. I'm not going anywhere without the buddy system, but I'm not afraid to say hello in the local Walmart.

And God bless coming back into a room where my soda is still cool.

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