Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Friday, July 22, 2011

No Soliciting & Job Hunts

Tony and I went to the local Gamestop so he could pre-order the new Catherine puzzle game, I could drop off a job application, and on our way out, we decided to stop at Burger King for food. Normally, we'd avoid this place like the plague because of my past experiences working there, but I felt the need for a chicken sandwich and he was indifferent. So there we went. We're sitting there, eating our food, when the couple behind us stands to leave and a kid approaches them. I didn't initially hear what he said, but I knew he was trying to sell something by the box he was carrying. A flip-top cardboard box reinforced with a couple layers of clear packing tape.

That always worries me.

Well, he walks up to us after getting shut down by the couple, and with this big smile, says his name is (what sounded to me like) Young Buck. He's trying to raise money for his church to send kids on a leadership camp. I'm with him so far, trying to be polite but keep in mind, I have no intention of giving him any money, and neither is Tony. Finally, he gets to the point of his spiel where he shows us what he wants to sell us. He opens the box.

And inside are a bunch of the cheesiest, most worthless sun catchers I have ever seen.

One is a tiger. One is a bird. They're all the cheapest pieces of crap in the world.

I look over at Tony and I see his eyes almost closed, his hand over his mouth, and his cheeks are turning purple. This sets me off, I'm trying my damnedest to keep a straight face, but this kid, who KNOWS by now that he's lost us, he cannot be so dense as to think that we're going to actually buy these pieces of crap. But he. Keeps. Talking.

We let him go for a little longer before basically saying, 'No, dude, I'm sorry, but we can't afford to donate right now, but good luck.' He comes back with that DENSE smile and replies: "Are you sure? Only a hundred, two hundred dollars would help us out."

What, are you serious? This kid wants $200 from a couple of people in t-shirts, eating at Burger King?

I shudder to think how much the sun catchers actually COST.

He hasn't walked away yet and Tony loses it. He's laughing so hard, and that starts me laughing and it's just all over but the fat lady singing. The only other people in the restaurant look at us, look at the kind that's heading towards them, and the hands go up and the heads start shaking. The kid has now lost all chance of soliciting his wares within this Burger King.

Who let him solicit here anyway?

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