Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Monday, July 25, 2011

ID Cards & Registrations

So here I sit, in the College of St. Rose, Albany, in the library, which has a name. It's probably named after someone important, but I have no idea who that person is. Bummer, I bet they were important. Actually, they were more likely just rich. Rich and dying, so said person had to do SOMETHING so the damned government couldn't take all his dough when he croaked. So, dammit, give it to a school, get a building named after you, and all of a sudden, you're a patron. Or PatrĂ³n, which is a tequila.

I don't think you get to be a tequila by donating money.

Then again, hell if I know people's true motivations, or the process by which tequila is made.

One thing I am looking forward to, or not, depending on whether or not the pit in my stomach decides to return, is hopping buses back to Troy. I'd almost rather just walk, get the exercise, but I'm rather sure that walking from Albany to Troy is less exercise and more 'destroying your joints' at this point. Luckily for me, my Student ID card gets me free bus fare on the CDTA. Which is a boon, especially if I get a job that requires a bus trip. Bus hop?

I've been writing quite a bit more lately, thanks to my officership in MR. It's taken me from a 'meh, I'll write a scene or something every...well, never' to 'ZOMFG, I MUST WRITE AN ENTIRE GUILD STORYLINE RITE NAO.' So yes, quite a bit of writing, a bit of co-op writing with everyone from the conceptualisors to sounding boards to even dealing with the people that don't pay a lickin' bit of attention (I'm looking at you, Chala). it's been a wonderful challenge so far and I hope I don't lose the time I need to really keep this up. Could be the basis for the new and the inventive.

Anyway, I'll probably post again once I've met with Dr. Morrow in...two hours.

Also, I do want a Kindle. Looking into my options as we...type? Speak? Read?

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