Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alternators & Car Troubles

After doing laundry this morning, and finally getting clean sheets, Tony and I went on a little trip around in his car. He'd been having trouble with his battery the last couple of days, and we'd gone out to replace it yesterday. This didn't seem to fix the problem, as it proceeded to die twice in parking lots, and then, while we were attempting to get back to Troy, died on the highway. We managed to limp off an exit and started calling around to see if we could A) figure out what was wrong and B) see if anyone in the vicinity could help us.

As we're sitting on the side of the road and trying to figure out what to do, a cop pulls up behind us and gives us a hand locating a nearby Firestone, which is the only car repair shop that's open on Sundays. Mind you, it's about 4:40 at this point, and Firestone closes at 5:00 PM.

Oh goody.

I called ahead as we limped towards them, died on the way. After asking if they could still help us, even if we showed up a little late, the guy said he'd do what he could to find the part, but yes, they'd be there for us. So after sitting for a couple more minutes, the car started and we limped ahead...only to die across the intersection from the Firestone.

People are being douchebags and honking at us, despite the fact that the hazards are on. I mean, really? They're BLINKING RED LIGHTS. Are you so New Yorkian that you can't conceive of what hazard lights are? Nah, go ahead, honk, because it'll do so much to help us out. Well, it got Tony pissed off to the point where I'm pretty sure he would have throttled the next person to honk.

I call up the Firestone and say "Hey, look, we're really on our way, I promise, but we're stuck on the other side of the intersection, can we possibly get some help?"
"Oh, sure, we'll be right out."
"This isn't going to cost us towing or something, is it?"
"It'll only run you about $400."
" thanks, we'll push."
"Haha, I'm just joking! We'll meet you out front."

I could have killed him. With Minnesota Nice, of course.

Luckily, the next person to pull up behind us was an ambulance. 'Great.' thinks I, 'This is just what we need. Some pregnant woman is having her kid in the back of that vehicle and the driver is such an asshole, that he's going to just honk. I betcha.'

The guy gets out...and starts helping Tony PUSH the car. 'Er?' thinks I.

Well hell! So I'm driving this car being fueled by two manpowers. Across the intersection. Under a green light. The Firestone guys saw us coming and met us on the road, took over. I am thoroughly impressed by the helpful kindness of people who don't think with their horns. The guys take a look at it, and the blonde says, "Well, I have good news and bad news."

Oh goody again.

"Bad news is, right now, none of the parts places have what you need."

Double goody.

"We can try to fix it tomorrow, depending on if we get the parts, probably about noon."

Mental buzzer sound, courtesy of me. "Tony, don't you have work tomorrow?" You know, as a delivery driver?

Triple goody.

"Yeah...lemme call my boss."

Quadruple whoop-de-fizz.

Luckily, since they WERE closing, one of the mechanics gave us a ride back to the apartment in the tire van, which was a poor old minivan missing a window and any working doors. Ironic.

Now, Tony is fielding calls and whatnot between his boss, his boss' mother (don't ask, even I don't know), his manager, the car place, his parents, and just about everyone south of the Pope, and somehow, he has the time to relay to me that his dog, also named Sadie, had the time to break into the almonds meant for the wedding food.

So skip almonds. Note taken.

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