Three Chinese junks, two skiffs and a rowboat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Overheating & Pidgeons

One of my greatest allies and deadliest enemies in Troy has been my computer. Access to the world, to friends and family, to job hunting, but also one of the hottest creations since the sun. The $25 fan in my window hasn't been turned off since we bought it. It's hellishly hot in the apartment, the only comfortable place is in the living room, within range of the one air-conditioner we already have.

We've got a few options, and going through them, the only viable one that we've somewhat decided on is getting a second air conditioner. Which is another $250. Ugh.

Back to the fan.

So this fan is a two-fan window-mounted dealie that can blow air in, suck it out, or do both, cycling the air. I've gone through all three settings and had settled on the cycling before, get this, a pigeon decided to SLAM into my fan, in protest! Like it was offending him or something!


So I had to flick feathers out of my fan and henceforth opted for the 'blow air OUT' feature, to prevent any more animals from trying to destroy my window fan. Which is apparently the ultimate evil and they must protest him.

I have Fan-thulu in my window!

I'm very tempted to get a small A/C unit for my window, but I'm afraid the avian wildlife around here will use that as an excuse to crap everywhere. I don't think I can win!


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